Wednesday, June 27, 2012

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Dearest family!

   It has been such a crazy week. To be honest, that is how most weeks are haha. Weeks go by so fast, yet I feel like last Monday was a year ago. We do so much in each day that it is like a years worth of non mission life work squeezed into a 15 hour day. I feel so blessed to be entrusted by God. That he trusts me enough to share His gospel with those children He loves so much. It helps keep me on track, to remember that even those times where I would rather take a nap.. or veg, that this is my time to serve the Lord. God has given me everything, I can give fully this year and a half! We see a lot of missionaries that don't always seem to know how great their purpose is, they forget that this work is the greatest of all work, and it breaks my heart. 

    We had a really neat experience this week. We were going to visit with a less active and when we got there no one was home. It would have been easy to be sad and let that get us down but we decided to move on and go and do a few visits in the neighborhood. We had a set route we wanted to do but my companion suggested that we start one house back from the original plan. We introduced ourselves and started telling her why were there, then as we testified of God and his love for her she started crying. She expressed some situations that were going on in her life and how talking about God just brought out the water works. I have always had a goal to get into someones house and teach a lesson from knocking on a strangers door, and I was blessed to have it happen. She invited us in and at first we both thought "now what". We got so used to people not being interested that we forgot what to do when someone is. I am so grateful for the spirit. It completely led the lesson. There were a lot of tears, but I recognize that as the Spirit tugging on our heart strings and testifying of truth. As I studied that morning I was reading about the atonement in an article from the ensign. Just so happens that I read about someones struggle with cancer and the comfort and peace that came into someones life because of the atonement. I just so happened to have that article with me because I was going to share something in it to the less active family, turns out it was not for them but for her. Her husband just got diagnosed with cancer and I knew that we were meant to be at her house that day and that I was supposed to read and bring that article for her that day. 

    Another neat experience is we are meeting with that older man I had told you about before. Anyway, he decided that he was not emotionally stable to join a church and that maybe he shouldn’t meet with us. I cannot tell you how much this broke my heart, I prayed and prayed that he would not be so lonely and that the spirit would help him with whatever he was going through, because I honestly didn't know how to help. He said he would still like us to get him the cd's of the Book of Mormon, and so that is what we did. We went over just to drop off the cd's because he insisted on not having a "Bible study" (that is what he calls our lessons). I just have to say again that I love the Spirit. After maybe 2 min. at the door he asked if we wanted to go sit on the porch and talk. At first we didn't know if he was serious. I read a few vrs. in Helaman. I decided it is crazy that people think missionaries are just "there" but that is false. Missionaries still fall into temptation, mess up, and worst of all forget the greatness of God. But I am so grateful that God finds the mercy to forgive everyone and bless us when we make a right change. It was good for him to see that no one is worthy of the Saviors love, but yet, God loves us, and because he loves us he wants us to be happy, and that is exactly what the gospel helps us do. It was a good lesson and I am excited for him to read the Book of Mormon. Also, in case you were wondering we are still meeting with him!

   I have so many more experiences but I just want to share one more. We were at the Visitors Center yesterday and 2 ladies came in. They were both members, but they wanted to go on a temple ground tour. We took them on a tour and we soon got to find out a lot more about them. One of them was less active, but that day she decided she needed to go to church. After that more promptings came and she knew she needed to go to the temple. While we were on the tour I really got to know the importance of one soul. One person really does make a difference, and I think that is why in the scriptures it says "every soul is important to God". The other friend who is active shared that she had been inactive, but one day she decided to go back to church. As a result; her husband, kids and his parents were baptized. Because the gospel was important to her, it showed the importance to others. While it was hard to go back to church for 5 years by herself, it was worth it! I loved that. It is so worth it to live the gospel, even if at the time it seems difficult and a wall is the only thing seen in the distance. I love the gospel, it is not only great, it is true! I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you,

Sister Poulson

Weekly funny: We were eating at a members who has 9 kids... (remind me not to do that) and they were all telling this story about Ammon flying from the back of a van to the front during some reckless driving. I looked around and saw a little dog and for some reason just assumed that the dog was Ammon. When I asked if Ammon was their little dog that flew to the front of the car, one boy looked at me like I had just been caught in murder and said "I'm Ammon". Good thing that family had a great sense of humor, because the rest of the night it was brought up over and over again and poor Ammon will probably forever be called a dog. 

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